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Parasites and canceled flights: Effects of the loss of monarch migration

Dara Satterfield


What is OE?

Ophryocystis elektroscirrha (OE, for short) is a specialist protozoan parasite that infects monarchs. Monarchs infected with OE emerge from their chrysalises covered in parasite spores on the outside of their bodies. Infected monarchs cannot fly as well or live as long as healthy monarchs, and they sometimes die when trying to emerge from their chrysalis. Transmission of OE occurs when an infected monarch butterfly contaminates milkweed leaves with parasite spores and a caterpillar later consumes the spores.

I am fascinated with animal migration -- “the story of life on the move." The billions of birds, fish, and other animals that migrate each year play ecological roles. These animals are pollinators, predators, prey, and transport vessels for seeds, nutrients, and parasites. For many migratory species, migration is now changing. In the face of habitat alteration and climate change, some migratory populations are shifting the timing or extent of their journeys. Other populations have stopped migrating altogether and remain year-round in the same location. Will changes in migration have ecological impacts? And in particular, will the loss of migration alter how parasites and pathogens spread, persist, and evolve?


To examine these questions, I am focusing on monarch butterflies and a specialist protozoan parasite Ophryocystis elektroscirrha (OE) for my doctoral research. This work involves a combination of approaches, including field monitoring, lab and field experiments, modeling, and citizen science.


Study system: Monarch butterflies and a protozoan parasite

Each fall in eastern North America, monarchs migrate from the northern U.S. and Canada to central Mexico, where they spend the winter clustering by the millions in high-altitude forests. Previous work showed that this long-distance migration, spanning up to 3000 km, helps to reduce protozoan OE parasites in the monarch population. Migration can reduce parasitism by weeding out infected monarchs during the strenuous migratory journey, or by allowing monarchs to temporarily leave behind parasite-contaminated milkweed when they embark on their migration.


The monarch migration is threatened. In the last decade, the number of migratory monarchs in Mexico has severely declined. The decline has been attributed in part to the loss of milkweed plants in the Midwest. Milkweeds (including over 100 species) are the only plants that monarchs can eat as caterpillars, and native milkweed abundance has plummeted due to more intensive herbicide use in agriculture in recent years. While there are fewer migratory monarchs in Mexico each year, there appear to be more reports of monarchs skipping migration. Small populations of monarchs have been found to breed year-round in the southern U.S. These non-migratory monarchs are surviving on a single species of milkweed, the non-native Asclepias curassavica, also called tropical milkweed. Tropical milkweed does not die back during the winter as native milkweeds do, so it can provide food for monarch caterpillars all year in parts of the southern U.S. and California.


For my dissertation research, I am comparing migratory populations and non-migratory populations of monarchs (in tropical milkweed patches), to ask whether the loss of monarch migration affects protozoan parasite transmission dynamics and leads to greater infection prevalence and virulence. We are also examining whether non-migratory monarchs transmit parasites to migratory monarchs. We frequently work with citizen scientists to conduct this research.


Collaborators: Sonia Altizer, John C. Maerz, Andrew Park, Jaap de Roode, Rich Shefferson, Mark Hunter, Lincoln Brower, Eduardo Rendón-Salinas, Andy Davis, Alexa Fritzsche, Kelly Nail, Wendy Caldwell, Karen Oberhauser, Billy McCord


Vampire bat population structure and the spread of rabies virus in Peru

Rabies is a major concern for human and livestock health in much of Latin America. Common vampire bats act as a reservoir host for rabies virus, and infected bats transmit rabies virus directly to humans and domestic animals when obtaining a blood meal. While rabies is fatal among humans and other mammals, rabies viruses persist in common vampire bat populations in part due to the frequent movement of bats between colonies. Currently I am contributing to a project in collaboration with Drs. Daniel Streicker and Jamie Winternitz to examine the genetic population structure and dispersal of vampire bats in Peru. Understanding the spatial population structure of bats and the landscape and environmental factors that shape this structure will help us elucidate drivers of rabies spread.



Collaborators: Daniel Streicker, Jamie Winternitz, Sonia Altizer, CDC Rabies team


Monarch wing traits, energy reserves, & immunity during fall migration

Common vampire bat. Photo: Daniel Streicker

Migratory individuals often show different timing and pacing in their long-distance journeys, with some animals arriving early and others late to wintering grounds. Arrival date and journey duration, which greatly affect migrant survival, can be influenced by flight characteristics and other physiological factors. To examine how early-season and late-season migrants vary in certain traits, we examined fall migratory monarchs to measure immune defenses, wing characteristics, and energetic reserves. Early-season migrants tended to have higher phenoloxidase activity, a measure of innate immunity, compared to later-season migrants. This may indicate that monarchs flying earlier in the season are more generally robust (with greater immune defense) than late migrants, or alternatively, that monarchs down-regulate immunity as the fall migration progresses. Early migrants also had significantly more elongated and redder (more orange) wings compared to late migrants. Previous work showed that wing color (redness) is correlated with flight performance, thus monarchs migrating early in the season could represent the best flyers. Energetic reserves, measured as lipid mass, increased across the fall migration season. This is consistent with previous studies, highlighting that monarchs in eastern North America accumulate lipid mass during the fall in preparation for surviving the overwintering period in Mexico.


Collaborators: Sonia Altizer, Andy Davis, Michael Maudsley, Amy Wright

Hypothesized trade-offs between immunity and energy reserves in infected monarchs. We found only a weak association between PO (a measure of immunity) and lipid reserves. 



During my undergraduate education at Agnes Scott College, I studied calling behavior of green tree frogs in metro Atlanta, conducted surveys of Plethodontid salamanders in the Appalachian Mts., and developed PCR assays to detect bacterial meningitis pathogens at CDC. Agnes Scott is a liberal arts college for women in Atlanta.


Project leads: Joanne Chu & Anna Creighton (green tree frogs), Betsie Rothermel & Emilie Travis (Plethodontids), and Jennie Dolan-Thomas and Leonard Mayer (bacterial meningitis)

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